Hooray!! Today marks the launch at last of a newly designed website for www.laurenkingsland.com, now complete with zippy sliders, more compatibility with all platforms, and easier navigation. The redesigned galleries now include new images of work from client’s repurposed garments as inspiration for those who want to order their own quilted legacy. There’s a calendar showing my teaching and speaking schedule. Check out the revised listing of classes and lecture topics available to guilds and teaching venues. Other galleries share my ongoing kolam series, the Healing Journey project about art and healing, and the grant-funded Quilted Mementos project documenting my sources of inspiration.
I’m also excited to share my first posting of the “Quilts for Life” blog. It will share news about current studio work & exhibits as well as stories about this and that. Quilts are a metaphor for putting together a good life and there are many tales to tell. I welcome your feedback and conversation in this new venture.
AND finally… Today’s Big Exhibition News! “Love Notes with Kolam”, (pictured above) has been accepted into the 2019 Smithsonian Staff Art Show which goes up around Oct. 8, 2019 in the S. Dillon Ripley Center on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The quilt combines my improvisational quilting series and the kolam series as a way to explore differing communication styles. My “life goal list” includes having work exhibited in a major museum. By teaching for the Smithsonian Associates Studio Arts program I was eligible to apply and it is an honor to have work included in an exhibit of art made by individuals who also work for the Smithsonian. More news about the show to come.
That’s it for today. Be well!